Tech company LG (LG) launched the G8S ThinQ flagship phone in India under the G series in November. However, before this, the company had launched several smartphones in the smartphone market like G8 ThinQ and V50 View, which had less sales than expected. At the same time, users have got features like G-OLED display, strong processor and fast charging in LG G8S ThinQ. Apart from this, the company has supported six GB RAM and powerful camera to improve the experience of the game and photography enthusiasts. But like other companies, LG has given a glass body to this device. We have brought a review of this phone special for you, so that you will be able to know whether this phone is really worth buying or not ...

LG G8s Thinq Price and Availability
LG introduced this phone in India with a price tag of Rs 50,000. However, now this phone is available on Amazon and Flipkart with a price of Rs 35,990. You will be able to buy only the black mirror color option of this phone.

LG G8s Thinq's display, design and body
LG has given a 6.2-inch FHD Plus G-OLED display in this phone, which has a resolution of 2248 x 1080 pixels. Also, Corning Gorilla Glass 5 has been supported for the protection of the screen. Due to the HD screen, the fun of watching videos and playing games in this phone doubles.

At the same time, the front of this phone has an iPhone-like notch, which gives this device an iPhone-like look. For your information, let us know that Apple first brought this Nokia in the iPhone 10 series. Since then, all companies started giving notch in their devices. At the same time, you will get the option of screen sharing and screen recording in this phone.

LG has given curved corners in this phone, which makes it attractive. Due to the curved corner, it can be easily flipped and it does not harm the phone screen either. However, like other companies, LG has also given a glass body to this phone.

On the other hand, three cameras have been given in horizontal shape in the back panel of this phone. In addition, you will get fingerprint sensor, hand ID and face unlock feature on the rear panel for security in it. However, the hand ID feature of this phone is not accurate. Most of the times it does not work at all.

LG G8s ThinQ battery and connectivity
The company has given 3,550 mAh battery in this premium smartphone, which is equipped with Quick Charging 3.0 feature. Let me tell you that this phone runs for one and a half days in a single charge. At the same time, this phone takes one and a half hours to charge 100 percent from zero. But when other apps are used to listen to music on this phone, its battery drains faster. However, to reduce this problem, you can use the battery saver feature present in this phone. Overall, the LG G8Q battery is good. At the same time, in terms of connectivity, the company has given features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC, 4G LTE, audio jack and USB Type-C port.

LG G8S ThinQ Camera
The company has given a triple rear camera setup in this phone, which has a 12 megapixel sensor, 13 megapixel wide angle and 12 megapixel telephoto lens. Talking about the specialty of this device's camera, you will have the option to use all three cameras simultaneously in its manual mode.

With this, you will be able to make stable video recordings through electronic image stabilization. The picture will not be flushed at all with this feature. Not only this, you will be able to click a great picture inside better lighting. 

At the same time, the picture is over-exposed in strong sunlight. On the other hand, in night mode, you get the option to click a great picture with rich color. However, in low lighting the colors of the photos are slightly dull. At the same time, the camera disappoints a lot or in the light of the room. Talking about the wide angle and telephoto lenses of LG G8S ThinQ, both these lenses click great pictures. Talking about the feature of wide angle lens, curved edge effect is not seen in the picture drawn with this sensor.

In addition, both G8S ThinQ sensors focus precisely on the object. On the other hand, the company has provided features such as Studio, AI Cam, Portrait, Triple Shoot, Story Shoot, Sin Shoot, Flash Jump-Cut, Slow Motion, Steady Cam and Manual Video in this phone for easy photography. At the same time, you will be able to record 4K video with 60 fps from this phone's camera. Also you can adjust the focal length according to yourself.

LG has given an 8 megapixel camera in the front of this phone. With the camera you get 10x zoom. You will get a ToF sensor in the Nokia with the front camera of this phone. In the front camera of this phone, you will get portrait mode, studio effect and auto mode. Talking about the studio mode, you will be able to set the white balance and brightness in it according to your own. Also in portrait mode you will get the option to blur the background. Overall, the camera setup of this phone clicks the photo like a DSLR. If you are thinking of buying photography phones, then this phone is best for you.

LG has given the Android 9.0 Pie and Snapdragon 855 processor to this phone for better performance. With this, you will get support of 6 GB and 128 GB internal storage in this phone. First of all talk about the user interface of this phone, its UI may bother you a bit.

Apart from this, you have been given Air Motion feature in this device. Through this feature, you will be able to open or close any app with the gestures of your hand and more or less the sound. At the same time, the accuracy of this feature is also very low. If you are a gaming lover, you will get an in-built optimizer and gaming mode in this phone. Through this feature you will be able to improve the gaming experience by optimizing mobile. At present, this phone has an Android 2019 security patch till November 2019.

Is LG G8s ThinQ worth buying or not

Korea's smartphone maker LG introduced this phone with a price of Rs 50,000. However, this device is available to customers on e-commerce site Amazon with a price tag of Rs 35,900. In such a situation, it is competing with phones like OnePlus 7T. In this phone, sensors like latest processor, camera, air motion, IP68 water registers and TOF will be available. By the way, buying this phone with these features is a profitable deal. But the battery and big notch of this phone will disappoint you. Overall, if you buy this phone, you will not get disappointed.

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